The significant link between eviction and suicide

When Kimberley Repp saw how high the suicide rates were in Washington County, Oregon, she vowed to do something about it. Repp is the supervisor of the county’s public health program and the county’s epidemiologist, which makes her responsible for tracking and responding to diseases that affect public health, such as annual flu outbreaks. She never imagined that investigating suicide would become a key part of her work.

Berkeley Tenant in Limited Equity Co-Op Faces Eviction

Ruby is still in shock over having to suddenly pack, sort out what she might store with a friend, and try to hang on in a world where most people dismiss you for having no address. Ruby is African-American, an older woman with severe disabilities. Can they do this in Berkeley?

Homelessness Isn’t Just an Accident—It’s a Plan

We know we’re one paycheck away, one injury away from being that homeless person our policymakers wish would leave town if we can’t keep up with exorbitant rents. Why do our political and planning representatives continue to build unaffordable housing instead of addressing the most pressing housing needs?

Oakland Tenants Wrongly Threatened with Eviction

About 25 percent of the residents in the apartment building received notices threatening them with eviction. The tenants were falsely accused of denying EBALDC entry into their apartments. Tenants received notices warning that they had seven days to correct the violation or face eviction.