Art by Annie Banks; words by Mutope Duguma, imprisoned at Pelican Bay State Prison SHU
Art by Annie Banks; words by Mutope Duguma, imprisoned at Pelican Bay State Prison SHU



Responses and Resistance to Militarism

FROM FERGUSON TO GAZA, militarism directly impacts all of our lives.
The American Friends Service Committee’s new poster art exhibit examines the effects of militarism in both foreign and
domestic policy, and highlights alternatives and positive nonviolent solutions.
View the exhibit by appointment, or at one of the public events on September 9 and 26.
Contact: Stephen McNeil, 415-565-0201 ext 12 or

September 1-15

The Flight Deck
1540 Broadway, Oakland
(near 12th or 19th St. BART)

Ferguson/Gaza: Our Tax Dollars at Work. Art by Eric J. Garcia
Ferguson/Gaza: Our Tax Dollars at Work. Art by Eric J. Garcia


September 16-30

The Eric Quezada Center
518 Valencia Street San Francisco
(near 16th street Mission BART)

Wednesday, September 9, 6:30 pm

Screening of Chicago Confessional, a film about Chicago police torture with
filmmaker Bryan Gibel, in discussion with Gerald Smith of the Oscar Grant Committee
Flight Deck, 1540 Broadway, Oakland

Special Closing Event: September 26, 6:30 pm

Urban Shield: What’s Next? Presentations and discussion
518 Valencia Street San Francisco